Mar 20, 2025
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Careers Programme
This information is designed for students, teachers, parents and employers.
At Hertswood Academy we work to inform and inspire students so that they have the highest aspirations. We seek to provide students with the skills, knowledge and confidence to achieve the best throughout their working careers.
Careers Leader: Mr Sands, Assistant Headteacher
See our 'Careers Guidance for Parents' page, to learn more about your child's options after Year 11
Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing 14 – 19 pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives. Hertswood Academy believes that Careers and Work Related Education (CWRE) and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) are essential:
- To prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
- To support and inspire young people to achieve their full potential, raising their aspirations.
- To empower young people to plan and manage their own futures.
- To provide comprehensive information on all options which assist career choices.
- To promote equality, diversity, social mobility and challenge stereotypes.
- To support young people to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.
Hertswood Academy is committed to:
- Providing a planned programme of careers education, and information, advice and guidance (IAG) for all pupils and students. We recognise our statutory duties as set out in the Education Act 2011 and in the Careers guidance and inspiration in schools, April 2017. This secures independent, impartial careers guidance for students, to inspire and motivate them to achieve their full potential by including information on the full range of education and training options, including apprenticeships and vocational pathways.
- Achieving a range of outcomes for young people including the careers and work related learning outcomes as well as practical outcomes such as positive destinations, successful transitions and the on-going development of employability skills.
Hertswood Academy is committed to the continual improvement of the Careers Programme after gaining Investors in Careers award.
The effectiveness of the programme is evaluated using feedback from stakeholders:
- Twice a year, students in Years 7 to 11 are asked to complete a student voice survey on careers guidance in school.
- Students in Year 10, 12 & 13 reflect on and review their work experience placements after they have been completed.
- We receive feedback from Services For Young People Hertfordshire who we work with to provide guidance for students as well as our Year 10 work experience week.
Careers Newsletter
Be sure to take a look at our monthly careers newsletter, published online.
Labour Market Information
Learn more about the labour market and career opportunities at the Hertfordshire Careers and Enterprise Portal.
Hertfordshire Careers & Enterprise Portal (
Careers Activities and Leadership
You can contact our Careers Leader, Mr Sands (Assistant Headteacher) via our dedicated careers email address, or the school office. 020 8238 7200
The Hertswood Academy Careers Team has put together the resources below to help you make informed decisions about career choices.
Useful links
CareersboxServices for Young People Hertfordshire (information and advice for students)National Careers Service (careers information and job profiles)Studential (help with your choices)Plotr (careers information)Barclays Life Skills (develop skills for work)Success at School (careers information)Go Think Big (jobs, internships, placements and more)Parental Guidance (careers information for parents)
Training (information about apprenticeships - availability and how to apply)
YC Hertfordshire (vacancies and apprenticeships in Hertfordshire)Parents' Pack (apprenticeship information)
University information
What Uni? (advice on choosing a course) (information, advice and application to university) (graduate careers information)Pure Potential (advice and support for applicants)Degrees Ahead (higher education in Australia)Student Finance England (applying for student finance)The Student Room (advice on student life and finance)