Feb 10, 2025
Hertswood Academy is dedicated to excellence for all. The Academy’s motto; ‘Aim High, Achieve Excellence’ reflects our intention that all students achieve their best, both academically and personally, to pursue the path of their choice. The curriculum develops cultural capital by focusing on the EBacc for all students in Years 7-9, followed by a wide range of options in Years 10-13.
We want students to see the curriculum as a unified body of knowledge and to master the important knowledge which makes up that curriculum. Our ‘Big Ideas’ and chronological periods help students to make the links across different parts of the curriculum.
Learning at Hertswood is made up of:
Year 7-9 students follow a broad curriculum designed to give students a firm foundation in EBacc subjects as well as the arts, technology and the humanities.
Students in years 10 and 11 follow the same core curriculum as in Years 7 and 8. This ensures that students have access to the EBacc. Their choices give the opportunity for students to complete GCSEs and BTECs including subjects not previously studied in Years 7 and 8 e.g. business, psychology and photography.
The sixth form is open to all students via three curriculum routes; academic, vocational and Level 2. Students are free to choose from these according to the achievement of entry criteria at the end of year 11. The Sixth Form also has a substantial wider curriculum including extensive careers work for university, apprenticeship and work post 18. This is complemented by regular opportunities to hear from external speakers and take part in workshops relating to a variety of topics. Students are encouraged to take part in arts courses, enhanced curriculum activities and to complete the Extended Project as part of their curriculum.
PSHE, RE, careers and Citizenship form part of the curriculum for all students. In Years 7-9 all students study PRE (Philosophy and Religious Education) and from Year 10 study Citizenship GCSE. This is complemented by a whole school curriculum of citizenship and RE offered through the curriculum, assemblies, PDP and dropped timetable days.
The enhanced curriculum refers to any learning opportunities taking place outside the normal school timetable. This includes revision sessions run before school for Year 11 students (EC1), sessions run after school (EC2) including study zone for all Year groups, Year 11 revision, sports, arts and subject based clubs and Saturday revision sessions.
If you would like more information regarding our curriculum please contact us at admin@hertswoodacademy.org.
Headteacher - Peter Gillett
Hertswood Academy, Cowley Hill, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 5LG