
Hertswood academy image 23

If you are interested in purchasing second hand uniform items from the Academy, please visit our Uniformd page.

Buy online from Stevensons.co.uk -- Hertswood Academy


Compulsory uniform and PE items available from Stevensons


Burgundy with Hertswood Academy Logo

Boys' prices range from £29.50 to £48.00 dependent on sizes

Girls' prices range from £29.50 to £39.50 dependent on sizes


Boys' 25-28 waist (£17.50), 29-30 waist (£19.50), 31-42 waist (£21.00)

Girls' 22-26 waist (£18.00), 28-38 waist (£22.00)


22-26 waist (£17.50), 28-40 waist (£22.00)


Hertswood Academy Black V neck

Prices range from £17.00 to £23.00 dependent on sizes

Hertswood Tie

Colour dependent on Year Group - £5.50

PE Kit

Games top with Hertswood Academy logo

Prices range from £23.00 to £26.00 dependent on sizes

Polo t-shirt with Hertswood Academy logo

Prices range from £15.25 to £18.30 dependent on sizes

At Hertswood, and at all times, we expect our students to be clean, tidy and well presented in full school uniform.

All uniform requirements are the same all year round, except where specifically stated.

Our school outfitters are Stevensons, 131-135 Victoria Street, St Albans, AL1 3XS. Telephone: 01727 853262.

Stevensons are our recommended supplier. There may be alternative suppliers that provide identical items to these, which are also acceptable.

We will endeavour to support any families with funding to ensure they are able to provide the correct uniform if required. Please contact your child's Head of Learning for advice.

All items marked with an asterisk are compulsory and available from Stevensons.

Day uniform

Outdoor coats

Dark colour, no denim; must cover the blazer


*Hertswood Academy trousers/skirts

Trousers must be 'tailored' fit and not 'skinny' fit

Skirts must be plain black, pleated all of the way around, and knee length




*Year group tie


Standard black school shoes - trainers and boots are not permitted


Plain black or natural; no pattern


*Hertswood Academy V neck jumper with trim


*Burgundy with Hertswood Academy Logo


Natural hair colours only, no exaggerated hair styles


One small stud is permitted in each ear lobe. Apart from a watch, no other jewellery is permitted. No facial or body piercing.


No nail varnish


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PE kit

*Games top with Hertswood Academy logo

*Polo t-shirt with Hertswood Academy logo

Plain black shorts (plain black tracksuit bottoms in winter)

Plain black socks


Football boots (boys only)


The PE faculty will provide an appropriate team shirt for all students who represent the Academy in a sporting fixture.

Stevensons carry stock in their St Albans shop where items can be purchased at any time of the year. Additionally, items can be ordered by telephone or online.

The Academy reserves the right at any time to determine what is unacceptable in terms of its uniform. Sweatshirts and hooded tops should not be worn. Students who arrive at school wearing trainers or inappropriate footwear will be issued with a pair of plain black plimsolls.

Students may be sent home to change into what is considered acceptable.

Achieve Excellence