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Outstanding Progress in our Sixth Form
Miss McFerran and the Hertswood Sixth Form Team were delighted to receive this certificate from Alps confirming that last year’s Year 13 results were in the top 25% in the country for progress! It is wonderful to have the hard work of students and staff pay off and be acknowledged in this way.
The team are very proud of last year’s cohort who worked hard, and used their fantastic grades to move on to do a wide range of destinations. This included universities such as Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, Queen Mary and Bristol, specialised institutions like Ravensbourne, UCFB and Central School of Speech & Drama, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships.
As Headteacher, Mr Gillett, said on results day, 'After persevering through a variety of disruptions over the last few years, our students have worked incredibly hard to ensure they excelled in their Sixth Form examinations.'
Further thanks go to our excellent Sixth Form Team, subject teachers and support staff, and we look forward to hearing about our students' future successes!