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We believe that music is a fundamental aspect of human life that everyone has the right to explore as part of their development. Our aim is to deliver a broad and meaningful musical education, developing students’ awareness of cultural richness and diversity, to provide a solid grounding for all our students to:

  • Develop their love of music in any musical genre/style

  • Recognise their musicality and the potential to pursue it in the future

  • Understand that, although an abstract art form, music can communicate meaning and be a means of self expression

  • Understand that music is a social activity that connects people in a unique way

  • Understand how the elements of music create effect and expression, to enhance their musical experiences.

Key Stage 3

Music lessons at Hertswood are aimed at bringing students into contact with musicians’ activities of composing, performing, listening and appraising.  By working directly with the raw materials of music, students can best discover something of its nature - its vitality - its evocative power and the range of its expressive qualities. At Key Stage 3 students learn about the elements of music, the basic building blocks of all music, they learn to play instruments, sing in harmony, compose using music software, create bands, learn the theory that underpins music and explore the vast array of music from all over the globe.

They may also choose to study an instrument, individually or in pairs, with our visiting tutors.  Instruments currently available are: piano, keyboard, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, voice, violin and drum kit.

Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11 students have the choice to take GCSE Music, in which they further develop their performing, composing and appraising skills. Their performing work takes the form of solo and group performances prepared and supported by our visiting instrumental and vocal staff. Composing can be in any style or genre often utilising cloud-based software to realise student ideas. The appraising work takes the form of detailed analysis of eight pieces of music spanning the globe from the 1600 to the present day.

Key Stage 5

The Sixth Form have the opportunity to follow the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Music Performance. This is a vocational alternative to an A-Level, based on real life performance scenarios in the music industry which enable students to develop advanced performance skills, work independently as part of a creative team and learn about music industry professional practice amongst other related fields.





Year 7

Elements of Music

Keyboard & Notation

The Voice



Instrumentation 2



Gaming Music

Year 8

Elements refresher

The Band

Harmony & Hooks

Song Writing

Beat-Metre & Rhythm 2

Film Music


Year 9

Elements Refresher

Pitch & Notation

Scales & Intervals

Tempo, Beat-Metre & Rhythm

Solo Performance

Melody & Harmony

Composition Exercises

Ensemble Performance

Film Music - Star Wars

Solo Performance

Year 10 GCSE

Vocal Music - Queen

Vocal Music - Purcell

Solo Performance

Instrumental Music - Bach

Composition 1

Ensemble Performance

Musicals - Wicked

Fusion - Samba

Solo Performance

Year 11 GCSE

Instrumental Music - Beethoven

Fusion - Afro Celt Sound System

Composition 2 - Exam brief

Ensemble Performance

Composition 2 - Exam brief




Extra-Curricular Enrichment

Music students are encouraged to access extra curriculum opportunities that run through the school year such as Opus One Ensemble, Rock School, Studio Sessions and Hertswood Voices and learn through experience with trips to Hertfordshire Schools' Gala at the Royal Albert Hall, West End Theatre productions and County GCSE Lecture-concerts.

Independent Learning Resources

  • The Knowledge
  • Quizlet
  • Teaching Gadget
  • Focus on Sound
  • Quizizz

Useful Links